Rosalia Mariz..
Who Uses Biofeedback
Individuals and families find biofeedback an affordable, safe, easy to use tool for monitoring and managing all kinds of stress and stress related symptoms at home.
Many individuals complete their Biofeedback Specialist Certification and begin a private biofeedback practice, helping others. While others team up with others and see clients with their device in wellness centers, doctors and chiropractors offices.
Practitioners, Clinicians, Therapists
From a wide array of complimentary modalities use biofeedback as an additional technique with which to educate their clients, assist them with managing stress and pain, and teach people how to take control of their lives, making positive changes in their physiological states and their overall health.
Psychologist, Social Workers, Counselors, Mental Health Clinicians
Use the SCIO Biofeedback System to identify and retrain, very quickly, the emotions that are most reactive for that client - which can often help build rapport and speed the therapeutic process immensely.
Olympic Athletes, Professional Trainers, Coaches
Have been using biofeedback for years to enhance performance. Stress reduction and pain management can really give athletes an edge in their sport. In fact, INDIGO Biofeedback practitioners are currently receiving recognition internationally for their work with Olympic athletes and professional sports teams in leading sport nations with outstanding results.
Health Professionals
Health professionals from all modalities find that the SCIO Biofeedback System matrix reactions can provide valuable clues and benefits, as to the stressors most affecting their client. This helps them direct a more individualized and effective stress management intervention, without toxic medications or invasive measures.
Doctors, Nurse Practitioners
Find biofeedback a less costly, drug free, non-invasive, accurate assessment tool - informing their diagnosis as to various kinds of stressors which may be at the root of illness; as well as a necessary means of educating clients and helping them address or manage these stressors.