Rosalia Mariz..
Next Generation Technology in Quantum Bio-Feedback
The new SCIO - Quantum Biofeedback System, using the latest and most up-to-date technology, takes a multitude of different stress reduction programs, methods, and techniques, and merges them into a more simple - best overall - well rounded approach. Quantum Biofeedback, working through twelve different electrical factors of the body, calculates combinations of impedance, amperage, voltage, capacitance, inductance, and resistance for Electro-Physiological Reactivity (The Xrroid Process). The body is indeed electric; therefore reactivity in the body can be measured electrically. E-P Reactivity results are based upon the ability to establish a "Tri-Vector" connection for an energetic "3-Dimensional" view of the client's current reactions to over 10,000 different items. All accomplished completely independent of user influence to help avoid bias or error. The picture painted by the reactions may help to create a better understanding of the individual factors pertinent to lifestyle and wellness. Once established, the Quantum Biofeedback auto-focus program, designed to monitor a client's reactions, helps optimize the quality and quantity of the stress reduction results. The techniques and methods of Quantum Biofeedback stress reduction include addressing areas most typically affected by the stressors of "every-day living". Some examples of these methods and areas are the "tri-vector", "auto-meridian", "auto-frequency", "auto-color", "auto-spinal", "chakra", and "brain wave pattern relaxation".The Biofeedback Device is connected to the client via a head strap, and wrist and ankle bands. Biofeedback devices are being used worldwide by Doctors, Kinesiologists, Dentists, Veterinarians, Naturopaths, Chiropractors, Homoeopaths, Acupuncturists, Nutritionists, Psychologists, Hypnotherapists, Massage Therapists, and many other professional practitioners.